
Run Your Entire Business From Anywhere

Manage work, accounting, projects, files, records, reports, EVERY element of your business…in one place…from anywhere.

What is Dragonfly?

Your Entire Team
Working Together
In the Next Office or Across Miles

Banish Inefficiency
Today your team likely uses dozens of systems, reams of paper, and inefficient means of finding, sharing, and communicating information. Dragonfly replaces all of those inefficient systems with an integrated solution that is so easy, anyone can use it. With Dragonfly , all of your files, systems and processes gain intelligence.

No More Scavenger Hunt
Imagine the Sales team quoting all day long and saving files. Imagine the Accounts Payable team at a different location needing information on one of those quotes. Multiple people, multiple departments, multiple locations needing to find information. Dragonfly eliminates the time trying to find documents and information. It’s not a scavenger hunt anymore. Dragonfly is a productivity tool for everyone.

Easy Document Set up - Dragonfly Software

Extreme Flexibility
Dragonfly is adaptable to any business and any business process. Need Dragonfly to track assignments or provide visibility to your process? Done. Need Dragonfly to handle sharing project files with a client? Done. Need your field team to have immediate access to any file related to an account? Done. Dragonfly can do nearly anything your business can throw at it! Already have a system you love using and can’t part with? Ask our team about integration with your file management system, accounting package or any other needed integration.